New Year, New Goals! Welcome to 2025

Every New Year we set out to achieve new goals, whether that be to stop drinking or to suck less at jiu jitsu. The argument to this “goal setting” is that most people abandon their goals within a few weeks if not days so is it too cliché for us to set New Years Goals?
I’ve even seen some jiu jitsu academies shame folks who walk in their door, “oh you’re one of those New Years new me kinda guy.” Is that suppose to be an encouragement to the new potential students or are you just making them more inseure about starting something new that could change and impact their lives?
I encourage and applaud any and everyone that sets new goals and to better them selves in all areas of their life so if you are a goal setter, LFG!
Every year I write up a new “vision board” or you can call it whatever you want but I am very specific in what my “vision” is for the new year and I divide them into several different categories.
Now, these are categories that I have put together and I specifically write 3 to 5 goals for the new year starting from the most important. There’s is an old saying "A dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams come true.” with that being said writing down these goals are not enough but they need to be put in action everyday.
As I am writing this article I look back at my 2022 vision board and I can honestly say that I have achieved more than 90% of what I set out to do and in the new year I plan on getting to 95-100%.
You should also use the vision bard to map out your jiu jitsu goals and be real specific.
“I WILL train 3x a week”
“I WILL compete X numbers of times in 2023”
“I WILL get better at X technique
“I WIll win a gold medal”
After you write out your goals you should break them down and figure out what you need to do to achieve those goals.. Now, along the way you may get discouraged but always refer back to your vision board and get back on track.
New Years, New Me goals are not CLICHÉ
Happy Holidays and all the best in 2023